A new step in the fight against the climate crisis: NASA proposes a method of freezing the Earth’s atmosphere

Scientists warn that the world could face more severe heat waves, droughts and wildfires in 2024 than in previous years. In response to this threat, scientists around the world are actively developing ambitious strategies and plans to alleviate the impacts of climate change. The Daily Mail reports this. Airplanes at altitude: NASA’s plan to spray ice to cool the Earth […]

Interconnected realities: climate change and the surge of locust swarms draw heightened attention in recent years

A recent research article in the journal Science Advances suggests that climate change might stimulate heightened winds and precipitation, potentially resulting in more frequent occurrences of desert locust outbreaks. These migratory insects, increasingly recognized as significant agricultural pests in various regions of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, could proliferate rapidly due to the effects of climate change. Scientists warn […]

Overcoming barriers: what challenges face tidal energy development?

New, more environmentally friendly tidal stream power plants are being introduced in Scotland. However, the technology is currently considered too expensive, making it difficult to implement at scale. Coal-fired power plants are climate-damaging and polluting, but they have the flexibility to adjust output based on electricity demand. While wind and solar power plants are environmentally friendly, their electricity production is […]

Melting glaciers and global warming: who suffers among animals?

Environmental experts have been warning about global climate change for decades. This phenomenon led to an increase in the average annual temperature, which caused the melting of glaciers and a rise in sea levels. The consequences of global warming can also be a decrease in the populations of various animal species and even a threat to human life. The editors […]

The Butterfly Effect: How Climate Change Affects Wildlife – Research Findings

A recent publication in CABI Reviews underscores that the effects of climate change on wildlife will manifest across various facets, encompassing nutrition, habitat, conduct, physical well-being, and psychological health. These observations highlight the need for careful analysis to determine priorities for protecting the welfare and longevity of food animals (including pets) and those kept in sanctuaries and zoos. Climate Change […]

Climate change: what changes await Europe?

How will the climate change in different parts of Europe in half a century? This question is becoming increasingly pressing as human activity accelerates warming at a rate not seen in the last two thousand years. This is the main conclusion of the sixth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, better known as the IPCC. The report analyzes […]

Ecological Village in the Netherlands: Road to Self-Sufficiency with EU Support

Ecological, sustainable, and self-sufficient – the village of Beukel in the Netherlands adheres to these values. This place values water resources and uses wood and hemp in construction, respecting environmental principles. From above, the houses in the eco-village of Böckel resemble bright flowers in a garden. This village exemplifies sustainable living and is one of the cleanest places in the […]

German Farmers Protest Diesel Tax Changes Amidst Budget Challenges

To tackle a significant budget deficit in Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s administration has introduced a range of measures, one of which involves reducing tax incentives for diesel in the agricultural sector. These steps are part of a broader effort to cover a budgetary shortfall of 17 billion euros. The strategy includes cutting back on subsidies linked to climate change and […]

Looming Climate Crisis: World Nears Critical 1.5°C Threshold

A new analysis from the Global Carbon Budget paints a bleak picture: the Earth is on a trajectory to surpass the pivotal 1.5°C increase in average global temperatures in the next seven years. This worrying forecast is based on the latest data, providing a clear view of the current global carbon emissions landscape. Unprecedented Emissions in 2023 2023 has been […]

Air-Conditioning Our Waters: The Ingenious Plan to Save Atlantic Salmon

Atlantic salmon, revered for their extraordinary migratory journey, have faced increasing challenges over the years. Once, over a million salmon made the incredible journey from the ocean to Canada’s freshwater habitats. However, recent data shows a sharp decline, with only about 400,000 making the trek annually. The culprits? Acid rain, overfishing, pollution, damming, and now, rising water temperatures. The Heat […]