A new generation skyscraper has been planned in the USA: everything about the 1000 meter project

A new skyscraper designed for energy storage will become a landmark example of environmentally sustainable technologies in urban architecture. The project, which is already being called one of the most innovative in the world, is aimed at creating energy-efficient infrastructure that can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of megacities. The exact coordinates of construction are still kept secret, but it […]

Discussion among scientists: the effectiveness of bacteria in plastic recycling

Scientists have developed a new type of polyurethane that is capable of self-decomposition, which can significantly reduce the problem of environmental pollution with this type of plastic. Polyurethane is widely used in the production of various products – from phone cases to sports shoes. But it is difficult to recycle and usually ends its life cycle in a landfill. Scientists’ […]

The secret of sparrows: which plants help them stay healthy

A study conducted by Chinese ecologists found that sparrows use medicinal plants as a preventive measure against parasites. This demonstrates that medicine stands as one of the most significant achievements of humanity. achievements. From finding plants that can relieve pain or slow down infection to developing Several remarkably successful vaccines that were developed in under a year against a completely […]

Link between deadly plastics in clothes and bottles and heart problems: current environmental research

In light of growing public concern about environmental issues, a new study has drawn attention to the link between deadly plastics found in clothing and bottles and possible heart problems. This environmental study calls into question the safety of using plastic materials in everyday life and raises important questions about the impact on human health. Microplastics and health: Alarming findings […]

Decarbonisation of the energy sector in EU countries

There is general agreement across Europe that 2035 is becoming a  crucial cut-off date for transitioning away from fossil fuels in the energy system. European energy  industry’s dedication to achieving decarbonization by 2035 European Union countries, which account for more than 60% of the energy sector within the bloc, have pledged to achieve decarbonization by the year 2035. As per […]

Overcoming barriers: what challenges face tidal energy development?

New, more environmentally friendly tidal stream power plants are being introduced in Scotland. However, the technology is currently considered too expensive, making it difficult to implement at scale. Coal-fired power plants are climate-damaging and polluting, but they have the flexibility to adjust output based on electricity demand. While wind and solar power plants are environmentally friendly, their electricity production is […]

Ecological Village in the Netherlands: Road to Self-Sufficiency with EU Support

Ecological, sustainable, and self-sufficient – the village of Beukel in the Netherlands adheres to these values. This place values water resources and uses wood and hemp in construction, respecting environmental principles. From above, the houses in the eco-village of Böckel resemble bright flowers in a garden. This village exemplifies sustainable living and is one of the cleanest places in the […]

German Farmers Protest Diesel Tax Changes Amidst Budget Challenges

To tackle a significant budget deficit in Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s administration has introduced a range of measures, one of which involves reducing tax incentives for diesel in the agricultural sector. These steps are part of a broader effort to cover a budgetary shortfall of 17 billion euros. The strategy includes cutting back on subsidies linked to climate change and […]

UAE’s COP28 President Calls for Unity Amid Fossil Fuel Debate

The imminent U.N. climate conference, set to take place in Abu Dhabi from November 30 to December 12, is set to grapple with the contentious topic of eliminating fossil fuels. Yet, nations are at odds regarding the pathway for this energy shift.Categories Varied Opinions on Energy Transition As some nations advocate for an outright halt to the burning of coal, […]