Adelaide Protester Faces Hefty Penalty for Bridge Abseil Stunt Amid New Laws

ADELAIDE – A bold move by an Extinction Rebellion protester, who decided to abseil off a bridge in Adelaide’s CBD, has culminated in a guilty plea for obstructing a public space, setting a precedent in light of South Australia’s newly stringent protest laws. In May, activist Caroline Thorne from the international environmental group Extinction Rebellion was detained during a demonstration […]

Renewable Energy’s Rapid Rise Boosts Hopes for Climate Targets, Says Global Energy Chief

The dramatic surge in green investments and the exponential growth of renewable energy sources have reignited hopes that the world can potentially limit global heating to 1.5°C. This comes as a beacon of optimism from Fatih Birol, the executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), who once harbored reservations about the pace of the transition to clean energy. Life […]

Container Deposit Schemes: A Beacon of Hope for Our Polluted Beaches

Golden sands, rolling waves, and…plastic bottles? This is a stark reality that many beachgoers encounter, with millions of metric tons of plastic finding its way into our oceans. Beach litter, a depressing consequence of our throwaway culture, has risen to alarming levels. However, Queensland’s container deposit scheme, introduced in 2019, offers a glimmer of hope, as recent data suggests. The […]

Investment in Clean Energy Must Surge to Combat Climatic Crisis, IEA Report Warns

GLOBAL — A recent report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) elucidates a path to stalling the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit). However, realizing this benchmark necessitates monumental financial influx and diminished political meddling. The clarion call from the IEA emerges amidst growing concerns over surging global temperatures and weather extremities. The world has borne […]

White House Debuts American Climate Corps in Renewed Climate Push

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a significant stride towards addressing the mounting climate crisis, the White House unveiled the American Climate Corps on Wednesday. This ambitious program, heralded by the Biden administration, is set to enlist over 20,000 Americans to work in fields related to clean energy and climate resilience. As lawmakers, activists, and concerned citizens increasingly clamor for more profound […]

UK Faces Hurdles in Offshore Wind Expansion After Crucial Energy Auction

LONDON – A recent energy auction, crucial for the UK’s green energy roadmap, experienced an unforeseen hurdle when developers failed to secure a single contract for new offshore wind projects. This unexpected turn has ignited debates regarding the UK’s commitment to sustainable energy. While no bids for offshore wind projects were evident, the auction did see agreements for solar, tidal, […]

Satellite Revolution: Morocco’s Earthquake Epicenter Mapped From Space

In the wake of the devastating 6.8 magnitude earthquake that rocked Morocco, space technology is offering unprecedented insight into the epicenter of this natural disaster. Rapid mapping via satellites has transformed the way responders assess and address the aftermath, especially in the hard-hit High Atlas mountains. Eye in the Sky: Sentinel’s Game-Changing Reconnaissance The European Union’s Sentinel-1a satellite has been […]

Gordon Brown, Former UK PM, Proposes Climate Tax for Wealthiest Oil Nations

DUBAI – Ahead of the anticipated COP28 conference in Dubai this coming November, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has made a compelling proposal. He urges major oil-rich countries, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, and Norway, to contribute to a global tax. This tax would be directed towards supporting underprivileged nations grappling with the adverse effects of climate change. […]

Europe’s Green Giants: Germany, France, and Italy Grapple with Net Zero Ambitions

Amid the escalating urgency to combat climate change, the European Union’s three juggernauts—Germany, France, and Italy—are at the forefront. These nations, while being the most influential economies, are also the continent’s heaviest polluters. Despite pledging to achieve net zero emissions by mid-century, these countries face significant challenges in aligning political agendas with environmental imperatives. Germany’s Climate Friction As Europe’s top […]