UAE’s COP28 President Calls for Unity Amid Fossil Fuel Debate

UAE’s COP28 President Calls for Unity Amid Fossil Fuel Debate

The imminent U.N. climate conference, set to take place in Abu Dhabi from November 30 to December 12, is set to grapple with the contentious topic of eliminating fossil fuels. Yet, nations are at odds regarding the pathway for this energy shift.Categories

Varied Opinions on Energy Transition

As some nations advocate for an outright halt to the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas—key culprits of greenhouse gas emissions—others emphasize their sustained relevance. “The debate over incorporating references to fossil fuels and renewables in the agreement has sparked intense discussions,” observed Sultan al-Jaber, the UAE’s COP28 President, at the preliminary COP28 gathering that saw participation from around 70 ministers and 100 international groups.

Europe’s Call for Swift Action

European countries and those most susceptible to climate change’s detrimental effects are pressing for decisive measures at the COP28 discussions. Their recommendation entails a pledge to increase global renewable energy output threefold by 2030 and eradicate fossil fuels that emit CO2. Highlighting the urgency, Spain’s Energy Minister Teresa Ribera remarked, “The outcome of COP28 will be determined by our shared determination to counteract climate challenges.”

Controversy Surrounding COP28’s Leadership

Jaber’s appointment to spearhead the climate discussions has been met with skepticism by some U.S. and EU legislators, given his dual role as the head of UAE’s state oil enterprise, ADNOC, and as the country’s climate envoy. Nevertheless, Jaber remains resolute in his vision for the summit, advocating for an inclusive dialogue that encompasses all stakeholders, including representatives from the fossil fuel sector.

Towards a Phased Reduction

While Jaber underscores the inevitable “phasing down” of fossil fuels, implying a gradual reduction rather than a complete cessation, some European and climate-affected states are pushing for a more aggressive approach: an eventual complete phase-out of all CO2-emitting fossil fuels.

COP28: A Pivotal Moment

In the wake of a year marked by extreme climatic events, the upcoming COP28 summit represents a critical juncture for nations to bolster their efforts to combat global warming. Echoing the urgency of the situation, Jaber commented, “Our steps are in the right direction, but the pace needs significant acceleration.”
