Global Shift to Clean Energy: A Matter of “How Soon”

The world’s pivot towards renewable energy is not just a trend—it’s an “unstoppable” force, according to a recent report by the International Energy Agency (IEA). While the momentum is commendable, the report underscores the urgency to expedite the transition away from fossil fuels. Renewables Set to Dominate by 2030 Forecasting the future of global energy, the IEA predicts that by […]

Biden’s Drilling Dilemma: The Complex Interplay of Promises and Power

In the shadows of the skyscrapers of Midtown Manhattan, passionate climate activists assembled, expressing their dismay. Their unified message: despite President Joe Biden’s strides in environmental reforms, he hasn’t delivered on halting oil and gas drilling on public lands. The Story of Lease 261 This drama unfolds around Lease 261, a vast 73 million-acre water tract in the Gulf of […]